The New Hampshire Area Health Education Center Network is a statewide network that is dedicated to improve health care and access to health care, particularly in rural and underserved areas, by enhancing the health and public health workforce of the state.
This dynamic network is comprised of:
The Program Office at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
Together, the statewide NH AHEC team has been dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and providing learning opportunities for the current and future health care workforce in New Hampshire for over 25 years. With decades of experience, innovative ideas, robust and collaborative partnerships with many statewide and community agencies, organizations, schools, and postsecondary academic institutions, NH AHEC assesses and addresses the needs of New Hampshire’s healthcare workforce.
Since we are, by design, located in community settings, we build programs that meet the needs of people in those communities. Through these experiences, we are confident that health professions student will be eager to seek positions in these amazing New Hampshire communities.
What do we do?
Provide educational outreach and support to:
Health care providers in practice
Young people considering a career in health care
Students in training programs for health professions
Promote and facilitate community rotations for health professions students
Support preceptors with professional development.
What do we offer?
To practicing healthcare providers:
Continuing education that is responsive to their needs and interests, emerging health issues, and changes in the healthcare landscape.
We meet the learners where they are, so they can learn and receive continuing education credits in a way that best aligns with their learning needs and their busy schedules.
Educational programs are offered at times and locations convenient to practitioners, and range from short “lunch and learn” workshops to multi-day conferences.
CME, nursing, social work, and other professional credits are available.
To young people:
Opportunities to learn about health care and health careers in
Classroom activities
Day camps
The residential institute Health Careers Institute at Dartmouth on the Dartmouth College campus.
Participants have opportunities for hands-on learning activities, exploration of careers and career interests, and exposure to role models.
Please join the NH AHEC Network in recognizing some extraordinary preceptors who are engaging in teaching and learning with our health professions students. We appreciate their contribution to building our health care workforce pipeline.